"His pioneering work in the use of air to ground wireless, his piloting the first international air mail run and his continued dedication to instructing others to fly have been of outstanding benefit to Canadian aviation.”
John Palmer
"His pioneering work in the use of air to ground wireless, his piloting the first international air mail run and his continued dedication to instructing others to fly have been of outstanding benefit to Canadian aviation.”
John Ender “Jock” Palmer joined the 10th Battalion in 1914 and went to Britain with the First Contingent later that year. He was posted to France in February 1915 and later that year was promoted to Sergeant. He transferred to the 2nd Brigade, Machine Gun Company and was commissioned to Lieutenant in 1916. Later, Palmer joined the RAF where he was promoted to Captain. He returned to Canada in 1919 after being credited with nine victories in the First World War.
After the war he attended ground school for radiophone communications. While with Technical Services Squadron in Kent, he assisted in designing air to ground wireless communication. Later in his career Palmer did aerial photography, transported explosives to oilfields, and created his own flying school and service repair in Calgary, Alberta. He ended his flying career in 1955 with over 18,000 hours and received the title "Grandfather of Alberta Aviation".
Born: 28 Dec 1896, Cambridge, England Died: 19 Nov 1964 Awards: AFC, DCM