"The professional daring of his aerial expeditions into uncharted regions, led others of his breed to colonize the unknown north and bring outstanding benefits to Canadian aviation."
Harold Oaks
"The professional daring of his aerial expeditions into uncharted regions, led others of his breed to colonize the unknown north and bring outstanding benefits to Canadian aviation."
Harold Anthony “Doc” Oaks was one of the first pilot/geologists who foresaw the great economic potential of the Canadian Shield. It was also his vision of low cost air transport which persuaded financier James Richardson to form the first of Canada's major airline services. Western Canada Airways was formed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, to accommodate his goal of low cost transportation of people and equipment over vast wilderness distances.
In 1926, he designed and built the first portable nose hangar, now used universally by bush flying operators to service aircraft engines outdoors in severe temperatures.
Born: 12 Nov 1896, Hespeler, ON Died: 21 July 1968 Awards: DFC