Air Force Museum of Alberta

George McConachie

"His dedication to purpose bridged all barriers, linking this continent with others and resulting in outstanding benefit to Canadian aviation."

George McConachie

"His dedication to purpose bridged all barriers, linking this continent with others and resulting in outstanding benefit to Canadian aviation."

George McConachie

Grant McConachie grew up in Edmonton, Alberta and earned a private pilot's license in 1929 and his commercial license in 1930. He became chief pilot of Independent Airways at Edmonton, Alberta, a company he co-founded, then became president and general manager. Through his aerial exploration, both the Alaska highway and CANOL Project came to earlier and successful conclusions.

His company utilized the radio compass and the first multi-engined aircraft. McConachie later became president of Canadian Pacific Airlines (a conglomerate of many smaller airlines) where he directed the launching of seven more international routes to Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Holland, Portugal and Spain.

Born: 24 Apr 1909, Hamilton, ON
Died: 29 June 1965

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