Ian Bazalgette
Ian Bazalgette became a member of the Royal Air Force in 1941 when he completed his training as a bomber pilot.
Ian Bazalgette
Ian Bazalgette became a member of the Royal Air Force in 1941 when he completed his training as a bomber pilot.
Ian Bazalgette
Ian Willoughby Bazalgette was later posted to No. 115 Squadron where he was promoted to Lieutenant in 1943 and then became Squadron Leader. Later, transferred to Squadron 635 in April, 1944, he made his final mark by performing the most outstanding deeds in the most terrible conditions. On August 4, 1944, Squadron Leader Bazalgette came under fire on a mission that targeted Trossy St. Maxim, France.
Despite destroyed starboard engines and a flaming fuselage, Bazalgette pressed on, completing the bombing raid. However, despite his agility in controlling the crippled Lancaster and sparing a French village in his touch down, he and two of his comrades died in the ensuing crash.
Born: 19 Oct 1918, Calgary, AB
Died: 4 Aug 1944
Awards: VC, DFC